Adding unique dynamic text fields to duplicated movieclips

Hey All,

  I'm working on a piece for work.  I need to figure out how to add unique dynamic text fields to duplicated movieclips.  Unique as in unique instance names and variable names.   Thanks for any help that anyone can provide.

I have a movieclip on the stage that contains a dynamic text field.

the text field will house text that is being pulled from an xml file.

What I need is to have the dynamic text field in all the duplicated movieclips have a unique instance name and variable name.

I assume that a nested for loop would be required, but I’m not sure as I am not the greatest actionscripter. Here’s what I have so far:

myPhoto = new XML();
myPhoto.ignoreWhite = true;
myPhoto.onLoad = function(success) {

// populate the amount of rows based on the amount of nodes
rows = this.firstChild.childNodes.length;

// enter how many columns are needed
columns = 3;

// starting position of the first movieclip (holder)
xpos = 20;
ypos = 20;

// spacing between each holder
vspace = 1;
hspace = 10;

// the width and height of the holder movieclip
wclip = holder._width;
hclip = holder._height;

// counter
theclip = 1;

// make the grid
for (var i = 0; i<rows; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j<columns; j++) {
var thegrid = holder.duplicateMovieClip(“holder”+theclip, theclip+1);
thegrid._x = xpos+((wclip+hspace)*j);
thegrid._y = ypos+((hclip+vspace)*i);