Put text into dynamic textfields

How should I do this?
I’ve got a movieclip that is duplicated x times. In that movieclip I’ve got a dynamic textfield that I want to change the contain to a unique name for each duplicated mc. How should this be done?
The mc’s are named meny1, meny2 and so on (“meny”+i blablabla… I think you get it…)

this.textFieldInstanceName.text = this._name

you can put that in the first frame of the actual clip, or after duplication or … well lots of places but you get the picture

alternatively, if you are generating the name dynamically in a loop (as would be used to create them) then you know the name of the clip and can assign it then

// loop with i:
clip = meny.duplicateMovieClip(“meny”+i, i)
clip.textFieldInstanceName.text = “meny”+i
//end loop