I am developing a program in a Flash Form with a hieracy of forms.
The top level form is called Application and the form below that is called Content.
In the form Content I have two frames and in the 2nd frame I have a combobox.
I have problems adding values to a combobox placed in frame 2.
Important to note, the combobox is not visible in frame 1.
initially I had the combobox visible in both frames and I had no problem adding values to it. Then I removed it from frame 1 and now I do not seem to be able to add values. It only works if the combobox is placed in both frames.
I wrote: _root.Application.Content.combobox1.addItem(“item1”)
Then I have tried to move this line from frame1 into frame2.
I thought it maybe the code and combobox had to be placed in the same frame. No result.
Do I somehow have to specify that the combobox is placed in frame 1 ?
If not do I then have to have the combobox visible in both frames and when I am in frame 1 I have to set ._visible = false and then when I am in frame 2 ._visible = true ?
This is driving me crazy so please let me know if you have some suggestions.
best regards