I was fortunate enough to attend the Adobe CS seminar in manchester england today! It was great! The creative suite is really cool and is definatly on my xmas list!!! Im not sure what impressed me the most(version cue or illustrator’s 3d effects) but as a whole the package just blew me away!! Oh, and to be honest golive seems really cool too…
While on the lunch break i had the chance to talk to the head of apple promotion uk, and he showed me the g5 in action - oh my god!!! i need one of those babies too!(i even offered to trade in my 6 month old baby in for it!!lol) I did tell him however that i had a love/hate relationship with apple (i bought a 15" powerbook a month or so before they released the 17", and a couple of months after i got an 20gb ipod they brought out a new look 30gb version… but i told them to keep up the good work anyway!)
One thing that really made me laugh though (lets not start a war) - The demonstration of the suite was on an imax cinema screen and 2 adobe reps where creating objects and sending them to each other live on screen - and lol! - the pc version was really screwing up!!! ha!
Adobe CS - get it!!! Lead, follow or get out of the way!!
i was wonderin what the deal is, so all the proggies are just suped up? sounds good, i gotta buy i guess. do you like your 15"? i got a 12" and its for school, nice to lug around cause its light and small, almost went with the 15 but the SDRam made me go to the more compact, but i use my 12 for everything. and now the new line of pwr books are out…grr. lol i wanna get panther too!
I’ve just asked Churchill to order me the upgrade for CS Premium as soon as it comes out. :beam: I picked up a copy of Computer Arts this month and they had a lot of stuff in there about it. Just looks great, can’t wait to try it.