Sup yall!!
Adobe have put up the CS4 suite details on their website. Go check it out!!
One thing I didn’t even think about was new Illustrator cs4, Illustrator cs3 is a program I use everyday side by side with flash/photoshop… so to see some of the new features AI cs4 will have is great news.
- transparency in gradients
- live adjustments of gradients (angle, length // as in flash)
- In-panel appearance editing (huge for me, i use this pallette all the time)
- Multiple artboards!! (looks like a awesome way to present concept artwork to clients, saves me from taking them into photoshop or creating a master doc for all concepts.)
Big day for designers/developers tomorrow, adobe will be announcing cs4 with more detailed info on what we should be looking forward to!! :beam:
I can’t wait :thumb: