… CS4 beta that is.
So far I see Dreamweaver and Fireworks. :thumb:
OMFG, adobe what the hell happened here. Trust me this is the only way to put it.
Its bad for mac users and windows users. It breaks standards on both operating systems…
Its a decent application now and a lot of cool features, but the UI is like messed up seriously and needs a ton of work before release. Most of their forum right now is designers mad that they would break UI standards.
[whisper]Also now the main bar just takes up room so i’m gonna guess many are going to disable it now.[/whisper]
Other than a few noticable bugs using it all yesterday the app has improved greatly (minus breaking the top of the screen).
Anyway one last bump to hear what others think.
Just wondering will the trial mess up your existing dreamweaver, Fire works ect…
No and you can run them at the same time to compare which is really useful. Its not hard to find bugs a lot of them have already been submitted though.
Betas are betas, dood. Better to help the cause than to knock it in a forum that probably not many of the developers on Adobe actually read.
Btw: how is the CVS system on this? have you dabbled in it yet?
I’ve actually submitted a bug, and yes the devs read the forum (they are the ones with the adobe logo).
I use SVN for everything so have not tried it yet. [whisper]SVN is integrated with komodo so I just do all my commits through it[/whisper]
Templ, dude, tell me you Photoshopped that screenshot. When I first clicked on it, I’m like hey neat they got it running in Linux. Then I saw the taskbar with the Windows logo and WTF. Jesus Christ what the hell are they doing with that UI? I honestly hope this is a mistake and not a intentional management decision to axe Fireworks in a twisted way.
Everyones hoping we can disable that top bar and move the menu bar down below. I want to see some screenshots on mac i heard it just as bad, but no mac users have posted screenshots.
Oh man, I hope they fixed the bug in DW CS3 that caused it to always ask to overwrite local files when working on a remote server, and the one that caused the editor pane to stall for a second every 5 seconds. I submitted those like 5 times, and actually went back to using DW8 because it just made it unusable for me.
Will download the beta later tonight (huzzah for crappy ISP download limits!).
Ok, so it looks like the always-asking-to-overwrite-local-files-even-though-nothing-changed thing is still there. The editor stalling is still there as well, but it somehow became less obtrusive. It now seems to stall a few seconds after you’re done typing rather than while you’re typing. Also, in general downloading and uploading files to remote servers seems slower, and the welcome UI (where you select a type of new document) is laggy.
SVN support is there, but not very intuïtive to use and kinda underfeatured coming from Eclipse’s Subclipse plugin. And just like the regular uploading and downloading of files to remote servers, it’s pretty slow as well.
So from a first 5 minute look, I’m not impressed and will probably be sticking to DW8.
oh man how did i miss out on this!? Crap! gonna have to test these after work… thanks for the info though
[SIZE=1] edit:: didn’t read above response, thanks.
Okay so after a day and of half of constant use as my main editor fireworks crashed when i was dragging a file over. Thats pretty good signs the program is stable. I was seriously trying to crash the thing for a long time before that and couldn’t. Guess it only crashes when one least expects it to.
I wish Fireworks has SVN built into it. Its not like its hard to integrate it (its next on my to do list to learn… so we will see). Right click a tab and commit would be enough.
Who the hell commits binary images :lol: I certainly do not know since I’m not a graphics designer. Is that the trend nowadays? PSDs are huge, and each commit just adds like 20MB to your repository.
Oh man!!! Juyst tried to install the Fireworks beta. Got halfway through the installation, then received a message the the installation had failed.
About an hour later, I tried to fire up Dreamweaver CS3, and was informed that “The licensing has failed catastrophically - please reinstall this product”
Note to self - do not install beta products on my work machine!!!
You know what I meant commit what is set in the optimize window. But fireworks uses PNG and are really not that bad if one wanted to keep layers. I never use the PSD format though so I didn’t even think about that.
good for us
The look is a little unusual, but I do appreciate the extra screen real-estate on my Vista machine. They look really off on a Mac though, and I’m not sure that there’s much screen space savings there since you have a menu bar anyhow.
I actually kind of like the new direction they’re taking, trying to push everything out and make it dull and uninteresting so that what you are working on really stands out.
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