We have very, VERY good news from Adobe.
Flash Player 9 have update introducing for the first time GPU acceleration in player, mipmap for bitmaps, multi-threading on vector renderer and bitmap filters and video decoding, using of multi-core CPUs . GPU processing is not too big implementation, only for full-screen video but hey, this is starting a path which will surely lead us to Flash Player 10 having numerous incredible, long-waited features.
[LEFT]Feature list on http://www.kaourantin.net/2007/06/flash-player-update-3-beta-1.html
**AIR **- ex Apollo - as it was announced by Adobe, Apollo recieved new name, AIR (Adobe Integrated Runtime). Also, beta version is released. HTML & Javascript becamed first class citizens
You can download runtime from
SDK is available from
Flex 3 Beta is released. Good news because there is lot of improvements. Some of them are :
for developers[LIST]
[] [LEFT]Faster compilation, compiler class caching[/LEFT]
[] [LEFT]Deeper language intelligence for AS3/MXML/CSS[/LEFT]
[] [LEFT]Refactoring (Renaming: Method,Class,Variable)[/LEFT]
[] [LEFT]Code Search[/LEFT]
[] [LEFT]Code Outline[/LEFT]
[] [LEFT]Memory Profiling, Performance Profiling, Profiling Live Memory Data[/LEFT]
[] [LEFT]Enhanced Module support[/LEFT]
[] [LEFT]Multiple SDK support.[/LEFT]
[/LIST]for designers[LIST]
[] [LEFT]Skin Importer[/LEFT]
[] [LEFT]Design View Zoom/Pan[/LEFT]
[] [LEFT]ItemRenderers in Design View[/LEFT]
[] [LEFT]Advanced constraints[/LEFT]
[] [LEFT]CS3 integration[/LEFT]
[] [LEFT]CSS Outline[/LEFT]
[] [LEFT]CSS Design View[/LEFT]
[] [LEFT]many Flex 3 SDK style/skinning enhancements.[/LEFT]
[/LIST][LEFT]you can download Flex 3 Builder Beta from http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flex/flexbuilder3/
Flex 3 SDK beta from
[LEFT]This is all great news. Adobe is on fire