Flash player 10 beta out!

3D Effects - Easily transform and animate any display object through 3D space while retaining full interactivity. Fast, lightweight, and native 3D effects make motion that was previously reserved for expert users available to everyone. Complex effects are simple with APIs that extend what you already know.

Custom Filters and Effects - Create your own portable filters, blend modes, and fills using Adobe® Pixel Bender™, the same technology used for many After Effects CS3 filters. Shaders in Flash Player are about 1KB and can be scripted and animated at runtime.

Advanced Text Layout - A new, highly flexible text layout engine, co-existing with TextField, enables innovation in creating new text controls by providing low-level access to text offering right-to-left and vertical text layout, plus support for typographic elements like ligatures.

Enhanced Drawing API - Runtime drawing is easier and more powerful with re-styleable properties, 3D APIs, and a new way of drawing sophisticated shapes without having to code them line by line.

Visual Performance Improvements – Applications and videos will run smoother and faster with expanded use of hardware acceleration. By moving several visual processing tasks to the video card, the CPU is free to do more.


There are no real demos… I want to see some simple stress tests on the 3d and filters.

Videos were cool.

What a tease - there’s no documentation, no way to test, and no actual demos that show us the muscle of the GPU acceleration. :frowning:

Those will all come, you can compile for Flash Player 10 now with Flex, I think the initial reason for this release is to allow testing of current content.

I recognize that the reason is to allow testing of current content, but that doesn’t mean I’m not drooooling over the idea of being able to get rock solid PV3D performance through the GPU. I wants it now! :beam::fight:

^ lol me too

esh does this mean we need to learn yet another version of actionscript?? pfft.

Nah, still AS3, just new API’s to work with. Notice we’re at player 10 and AS3, we don’t change languages that often.

So does this mean Flash 10 (cs4) is coming out soon now?

Nope, just a few cool toys to play with. The really huge thing in my opinion is going to be the hardware acceleration.

Yes, from what I hear it should be out sometime this summer.

Can’t wait to test out the pixel effects and filters. It’s something I’ve wanted for a long time.

pixelblender will be a wild community tool.


I wanna see a Flex sdk out with this stuff in it! Can’t wait till we get hardware acceleration.

I had to write my own 3D drawing stuff, but you just can’t do it properly without hardware acceleration and a Z-Buffer.

What is it with you and my screen-name? :q:

Seriously, I think this is 1) Interesting and 2) A chance for Adobe to really screw up if they cannot optimize their 3D engine.

Yes, from what I hear it should be out sometime this summer.[/quote]

I kind of doubt that. The Creative Suite products have run on something approaching an 18-24 month release cycle, which would make summer very early.

Advance copies are already being spread about high-profile dev studios. Expect the public beta fairly soon, imho. :hat:

[QUOTE=Esherido;2326900]2) A chance for Adobe to really screw up if they cannot optimize their 3D engine.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. If it doesn’t perform up to snuff, it could just become another item on the long list of reasons why a lot of people can’t stand Flash sites (read: loudness, sometimes obnoxious, unncessary for certain purposes, etc)

Senocular already has a tutorial out… http://www.senocular.com/flash/tutorials/flash10drawingapi/

I wonder if senocular can do stress tests now or if they told him to wait till they fixed a few things.

still no right click in flash I’m guessing? I was hoping they’d finally change it so people didn’t have to do the browser hacks to enable it. Would be nice for game programming in flash.