Advent Children Update!

More characters! It looks like Tifa and the Turks make welcome returns for the game sequel. If you click on the link here - - you should be taken to a scan from a Japanese magazine, with loads of new pics to delight us FF fans.

Plus, possibly the best picture of all (at least for me). Doesn’t he just look lovely? :beam:

More! More! Check out for a whole batch of new and exciting stuff! :beam: There’s a new trailer too, official from E3. I’m downloading now…

ok theres gotta be a few rants about this, so lemme kick them off…
first of all it completely sucks that spuare made FF VII-2 a fillm because a game lasts sooooooo much longer, than an hour long film :frowning: and also, i really couldnt care if aeris was in it because i hate her because she had my best mteria and died with it :frowning: but then she died aswell, so it was cool :stuck_out_tongue: im gonna have to go and see it, because it has vincent in it !!! but yeah, plus they would hve made shed loads of money out of a game.

rant over!
cant wait, got all the trailers and info i need, just waiting for a uk release.
has anyone here not played VII? because you are seriously missing out!!!

Friend!!! :beam: The new trailer has a good lot more of my beloved Vincent in it, so if you haven’t found / seen it yet, check that out. If there’s any problems I have a copy, so I can upload it to my site for a bit. It’s in English too, so makes more sense to us poor Brits. :stuck_out_tongue:

They should have made this movie to start with, instead of the Spirits one. I reckon this one will be huge, since VII was so popular. :slight_smile: