Hi all,
I am having abt 1 1/2 months of hols and wanted to start learning
a new programming language(hopefully something that makes isometrics
easier) and was wondering which one.
If u were wondering i am 14 and know html,css,flash.
I catch up pretty quickly so no prob abt that.so if someone can suggest
somthing i plan to buy some books and some video tutors and am anxious
to get a start.
P.S.I dont think it is possible to finishi an entire language in 1 1/2 months butjust wanted to get grounds
Learn C++ and SDL would be the quickest way, but java may help you later with your web. Its really up to you. IMO SDL would be fastest if you wanted to make a game or small app and is fairly easy to transfer over to openGL or DX later on.
[whisper]my bro is a programmer… its what he did a when he started learning this stuff a long time back[/whisper]
Maybe Python and pygame? If you want to learn a language that really makes you think and will make you a better coder, I’d learn Lisp…
i’d learn C++, followed by Java
Nothing better to build a strong foundation than hit C/C++ at the very root followed by Java and then move on to genre specific languages.
I did C/C++ when I was 13 and Java when I was 14-14 and a half. Although if I wanted to make anything in Java now, I’d have to read a lot again cuz I’ve been outta touch for too long. Almost the same with C/C++.
But I’ve had a good start I suppose. Since you’re 14, it’s the right time to build a very strong foundation.
Whatever you do, all the best kiddo. :thumb:
First, you should think of one of the leading programming languages like C++, C# or Java.
Learning one of these ganna make everything else easy. Also, if you learn one ofthem them it’s easy to learn the rest of them.
Now, look at what you want to be doing after you learn the langauge? Web development? or graphics programming ( like used in 3D apps ) or you want to program games.
Each of those got its languages that serve the purpose better.
good luck