Do you happen to know how to get a button in one flash file to affect what happens to another fla? Cause I’m trying to get an swf that has been opened by another swf through the loadMovie function (which I’ll call swf a) to open another swf inside swf a. Does this make any sense at all? Help!
you’re loading swfB inside swfA, and you want swfB to load another .swf into .swfA? if this is correct, it sounds like a parent/child/levels issue–try adding ‘_parent.loadMovie(“name”, level);’ to swfB and see what happens…
my .02 is that you should check as to whether or not you really need to be loading external swfs as buttons–of course, you may have a very good reason, but in my own experience, i started building sites that loaded everything (nav, content, header, etc.) from external .swf files and found that it was just too clunky and too hard to keep things straight, so now i just reserve loadMovie() for content and other large.swfs–your mileage may vary…;>
hope this helps–if not, repost your problem more clearly, and perhaps the loadMovie code…
I don’t want to load buttons with loadMovie… I have buttons on my main Flash file, and inside my main flash file, I loaded a movie with load movie, and inside that movie I loaded, I loaded another movie, and I am trying to affect that third movie through a button on my main flash file. Is this really confusing?
you have the main movie _root or _level0
in the main movie you have a movie clip containerA
inside containerA you have another movie clip containerB
to target containerB you would use:
[color=red] something[/color]
hope it answers the question