Afghan Video

Not For The Weak At Heart

omg watch this

what? :q:

they are bombing the **** out of everything…thats what they said they would do…

its a video of alot of trucks getting blown up and suff its cool

lmao…yea and they are killing peopl as well…and bombing caves…i’m actually surprised they didn’t hit the mosque…of course if they did that video would never have gotten out to the public so thats a mute point…anyways…i’m glad you enjoyed the bombing…yup…yup…yup…=)

Reminds me of the scene in ‘Clear and Present Danger’


What a waste of explosives. You see them fire 6 hellfires at one guy. That could have easily been accomplished with the AC-130’s .50 cals

Whatever, that was pretty neat though

their mission was prolly ot clear the area, not pick off individuals, hence the use of the hellfires, if they really wanted to take out the peole they would prolly just have used napalm or something that would have made it more kill per round of ammo if ya know what i mean

that’s pretty wild. serious video game stuff. if i were on the other side and saw that, i’d be pretty freaked out. once they spot you, you don’t really have a chance.

unless you happen to have a stinge rmissle handy
those plane are soooo slow because of how much armor and guns they have
i changed my mine the explosions are prolyy the 100mm or soo howitzers they have on board

if they are not using missles then why are there explosions even when only the ground is hit? Would howitzers make explosions like that, or are they indeed firing missles at individual persons?

Wow, amazing footage. :!:

Where did you find it?

  • Soul :goatee:

majeye, yes the howitzer rounds are explosives, very explosive thye are like the smaller version of the humongous guns youd see on a battle ship
and soul i was at my friends house and he just had the footage so i was like lemme borrow this
he has the 250mb version of the movie
its loooks soo much nicer, but since i have 56k i wanted to be able to see within this year

thanks for the reply, and the footage. Very informative. I wonder if those pilots are forced to take Amphetimines like Air Force Jet Pilots… Haha, a sudden epiphany; thats why they use the word ‘force’ in air force…