I have some problem. When I do my work with flash MX, I want to export movie file(avi) but it cannot play movie clip. Anybody who has ideal to make it work,please tell me .
I believe exporting as avi works the same as exporting for animated .gif.
This means that
All animation MUST be contained within the main timeline, nothing within symbols.
NO actionscript can be used, this will just be stripped out since the plugin interprets actionscript, not a browser or movie player.
thank you lostinbeta:)
did the way i told you not work mic???
lost: if hes using AS or MC in his animations he can export it as a swf then import that same swf file and export it as an avi it should work because it will all be on the maintimeline and it works because ive done it before i even used a swift 3d animation as a mc and added some effects and exported as an avi hes probably doing something wrong
i understand now. i have already used snagit program to capture my screen. Thank you for all suggesttion