i heard rumor that i can somehow convert an swf into an avi. is this true? i have a client… who is…
***puts down the chunk of hair in her hand…
lets just say it would solve a bunch of issues if i could in some way.
thanks guys :beam:
Try not listing to the Crazy peopel that spread such rumors!
I dunno y you don’t just export the movie as a avi???
But there is some software that can convert swf to avi, thought i fail to see the point of this :S
heres a link http://www.flashants.com/root/swf2video.shtml
not exactly into an avi file but i know you can export it into mov or mpg, which then with a few free apps you can convert into an avi, the problem with this is if your going to use multiple movie clips they will not play in the mpg or avi unless you first export the swf normally and then import the output swf which only has 1 timeline mpgs dont work with multiple timelines, if you need some more help let me know and for more info on changing the mpg or mov into an avi try checking out here http://www.dvdrhelp.com
lunar - thanks lunar… you rock as always. i cant buy that proggy though. argh! hahah. i tried exporting as an avi, but it eats up my MCs, so it wont play animation that isnt on the main timeline.
grimdeath - thanks i’m still workin on the first step, which is exporting it as a mov. i keep getting this “your version of quicktime isnt right” error or whatever, so i’m gonna look into it, and see if i can do what you said, mov >> avi. i think i may have the software for that already, so i think it should b efine once i get it to mov format. ill let ya knwo if i have anymore issues.
oh yeah, R Beer- get some sleep, your forgetting that you’re the one who told me that. :trout: hahahaha
*Originally posted by golgi *
**lunar - thanks lunar… you rock as always. i cant buy that proggy though. argh! hahah. i tried exporting as an avi, but it eats up my MCs, so it wont play animation that isnt on the main timeline.
grimdeath - thanks i’m still workin on the first step, which is exporting it as a mov. i keep getting this “your version of quicktime isnt right” error or whatever, so i’m gonna look into it, and see if i can do what you said, mov >> avi. i think i may have the software for that already, so i think it should b efine once i get it to mov format. ill let ya knwo if i have anymore issues.
oh yeah, R Beer- get some sleep, your forgetting that you’re the one who told me that. :trout: hahahaha **
Golgi what ya gotta do is export your swf with all the movie clips runing now hit file, new in flash and choose import, import your swf and then export it as a mov file it works wonders alot of people dont know about this or maybe havent thought about using flash animations for tv, i made my own intros in flash for my dvds and vcds its great :beam:
grim, i tred exporting it as an swf and then importing it, but the MCs didnt wanna be animated… what am i doing wrong? what do you mean by “all of them running” ? thanks
i think any code attached to a movieClip will not work…
if a movieClip is only on one frame of your timeline say for an example with a stop action on the main timeline it will not play.
try making the movie Clip into a graphic symbol using the inspector and make sure there is enough frames on the main timeline for it to play in full.
u can set the options here to loop, play once etc.
hope this helps…
you can set the option for