
*Originally posted by fluid_0ne *
**nice work Ahee :wink: **

heh, heh, Ahee in Hebrew would mean ‘My Brother’, lol…

awesome work ahmed, and seno, thats really great :slight_smile: oh, and happy that solved it for ya Jubba…

one small issue though, it seems you cant toggle the top left and top right pixels, probably cause of the rounded corners… i might be wrong though.

edit oh, and yes, im brainy brainy. as in… brainy. woop.

lol… sounds similar to the arabic word for ‘my brother’ :slight_smile:

And yep, it is the rounded corners… :beam:


ahmed! you are crazy! how the heck did you do that!? …really nice… really kewl!!! awesome! =)

i think this is your secret… i think everything is done coz of this…
SELECT ‘text’ FROM ‘signatures’ WHERE user = ‘ahmed’ lol

keep up the great exploit men! =)!

wat do u think?
I also had that idea,but i guess m not that good wid actionscripting n stuff u used in makin this,may b its simple,dunno.
Anyway i support it as it’s white n gray, just like mine :slight_smile:
i had that idea from this link
I compose our cellfone operating logos from here.
(am i just giving u another idea ahmed?):q: :beam:

*Originally posted by noxious *
how the heck did you do that!?
Hmmm… is it just plain magic? Or is it the mySQL statement in my sig?.. It could be a multi-dimentional array stored in a shared object, but naah, that’s very unlikely :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by flasherjaz *

I would doubt that :)… the contest is open till July 3rd, and till them someone else would come up with something cooler… (infact, POM just did(-: )

where have i seen that(POM), i have been to somany sites and tutorials that it seems like i have seen everything:-\
ya its nice too, he was in top 3 last time this contest was held.
I totally forgot bout the interactivity part n came in wid my dumb footer:trout:
anyway :thumb: to u guys

WOW! thats amazing!

<!— --->

The footer “Footer does not adhere to guidlines! {click here}” is perhaps the bst footer i’ve seen since. It funny, light, cute, and witty! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…and… ahahahahahahahahaahaha… lol!


kirupa should submit it!

**** that’s cool

simply Amazing!!:thumb:

thanks :beam:

sweet footer man! Awesome job with the interaction.:geek:

How does the saving work? does it use a cookie or what does it do. Very cool ahmed:thumb:

it uses a local shared object…

Ya i think a read about that a while ago.

yea, its a sweet footer, but why does it say hawk? :stuck_out_tongue:

nice job


hey ahmed what about a reset button? that way we can see yours again.

yeah i was thinking of that… for now, you can go to start > search > files or folders > and search for “footer.sol”… delete the file and it’ll be resetted :wink: