Footer test

so how does it look and its only 8.00 KB=)

Looks good man :slight_smile:

how does mine look - it’s only 9k!

lol it looks good… thanks.=)

8kb? What about mine, it`s 4kb :stuck_out_tongue: ?

just checked mine - 8kb too… yahoooooo!!


Mine is not moving, but it’s still 9kb. :wink:


WELL MINES 6k and its got a whole lot of crap goin down!


o yeah, alex

you should make ur footer have the link easier to click on
just a suggestion

mine is 1kb :stuck_out_tongue: :P… no seriously, it is :beam:


Mine’s 5.6K baby!!!

what vB code is used to place a flash footer, I forgot

and mine’s 300b hehe

and mine:

hehe mine is 11k and has SOUND…
yes it does :beam: click on it (make sure youre not drowsy and your sound isnt to high…)

mine is 4k with 3 small vector graphics…

can i get a what what.

what what:trout: :beam:

hah. thanks alex. wish i had gotten into design at your age. keep going.

> j