AIR help required

Hello guys!
I have embarked on my first AIR application.
So now I am trying to resize the main window. I have used the stage.nativeWindow.startResize(NativeWindowResize.BOTTOM_RIGHT); and it resizes beautifully. But this is not what I want. First of all I want the Stage to Expand…but not the elements. Meaning you know when you create a flash app, they ask you to choose the background color…i want that part to expand but my text, images and such should remain the same size. Any solution for that?

Also, I saw this
go to the bottom where they talk about resizing. Does this mean I can do stuff while its being resized such as calculate the middle of the stage and such? if i can can i know how do i add the event to listen to that? cos currently i am using

function resizeWindow(e:MouseEvent):void {
hellooo.text = "STAGE "+String(stage.height);
function resizing(e:NativeWindowBoundsEvent):void {
hellooo.text = String(stage.height);

but i am not getting any value in my “hellooo.text” textfield and neither is my bg centralising as i resize…

Any help?
