Alex like stories coming soon!

Now I have a chance to be just like Alex, I just bought a car.

I got a 2000 Chevy Cavalier LS Sports Coupe with 52,000 miles on it. Anybody know anything about Cavaliers that I should know about or anything?

I won’t actually have the car til tuesday because they have to tune it up and what not, but it seems like a pretty decent car.

So on the off chance that you care, let me know what you think.

watch out for the motorcycle ninjas…esp if yer an independently wealthy dishwasher with unusual hours and khaneethist tendencies :!:

…don’t know anything about them cavaliers tho … but I do care :love:…I really do :wink:

*Originally posted by RelandR *
watch out for the motorcycle ninjas…esp if yer an independently wealthy dishwasher with unusual hours and khaneethist tendencies :!:
haha, thanks, that made my day :thumb:

Haha… that was great.

Thanks for caring baby doll:love:

so funny, laugh it up…

congrats on the new car josh.
good luck with it.


ahhhh alex … c’mon … winkWink~nudgeNudge …

…no need for the dash-dash underlining…

I smilied when I said it :slight_smile: :wink:

.,.do you still like me?

I love you enough for the both of us, RelandR… :love:


me/feels all werm and gushie now :wink:

i donno anything about it, but hey now you can visit me more often! w00t!