Algolia Search for this Site

I haven’t styled it, but here is a preview of what it sorta might look like :slight_smile:

Is it limited to 5 results? Is there no way to get other search results? How is it ranked? How are the results divided? Why are the results for “senocular” so weird :stuck_out_tongue:

That question answers itself!


All great questions that I have zero answers for. I will look into that shortly :grinning:

I fiddled with the results a bit more, and I filtered out a lot of noise from what gets returned. There is still some work to do, but it should be better now than it was earlier.

And…the search is now live:

After having tweaked a bit here and there for the past few weeks, I am now a huge fan of the search results. That’s partly why I made search front-and-center on the header as opposed to being a bit smaller. Maybe it needs to be smaller, but that’s something to fiddle with for later :stuck_out_tongue: