All flash website help

I made a all flash site using this tutorial
I made three pages. A main page with some text ,a second page with some links to some swfs, and a page were the other two pages load, just like in the tutorial. On the links page I followed the tutorial on launching a centered Pop-Up window
This is tha as I put on the botton:;

 on (release) {

 //customize the window that gets opened
 // 0 equals NO.
 // 1 equals YES.
 address = "";
 target_winName = "google";
 width = 518;
 height = 450;
 toolbar = 0;
 location = 0;
 directories = 0;
 status = 0;
 menubar = 0;
 scrollbars = 1;
 resizable = 1;
 //sends data back to the function
 openWinCentre(address, target_winName, width, height, toolbar, location, directories, status, menubar, scrollbars, resizable);


This is what i put in the first keyframe on the as layer:

 _root.openWinCentre = function (url, winName, w, h, toolbar, location, directories, status, menubar, scrollbars, resizable) {

 getURL ("javascript:var myWin; if(!myWin || myWin.closed){myWin ='" + url + "','" + winName + "','" + "width=" + w + ",height=" + h + ",toolbar=" + toolbar + ",location=" + location + ",directories=" + directories + ",status=" + status + ",menubar=" + menubar + ",scrollbars=" + scrollbars + ",resizable=" + resizable + ",top='+((screen.height/2)-(" + h/2 + "))+',left='+((screen.width/2)-(" + w/2 + "))+'" + "')}else{myWin.focus();};void(0);");


For some reason the link works fine if I load the links page first, but doesnt work if I load it from the the page that loads the other pages. I dont understand why. I think it has somthing to do with _root.
