Iam trying to link different pages togheter : my index.html
is the opening page of my website and is in flash 6 and it has 2 buttons , one goes to my html site and the other one link to the flash site. both my flash and html sites are into their respective folders the html is fine but i am trying to link index and the flash site with a custom center window where i can set size and show no bar and show my name.i follow the tutorial on kirupa but i just don’t get it maybe 'cause instead of the www.etc… i put the link directly to the folder wich is
/flash9/index3.html anyway it works when i do the cromeless
window but (wich i don’t like)but i can’t have it to work when i do the pop up centered one, also inside my flash folders there’s pictures enlargement that i want to open in the same way(custum window blank) directly from my index3.html wich is my flash. i am basically trying to open a pop up from my index and then from that if anyone wants to make the pictures inside my index3 bigger they can press a button and
a new window will open (sized up and with no bar)on top or anywhere else of my index3 and will load the pic.
i don’t get it , maybe i am just plain stupid but i followed the tut and i did paste the code on the html flash source and it doesn’t work.
please anyone help me i usually post pretty stupid questions that i find the solution myself after few hours but i spent 2 days on this and i don’t get it.
i can do the chromeless bordless window but i can’t do this one. i did load the bigger pics as external swf directly on my index3 but i didn’t like the way it looks.
I apologize for any lessical mistakes.
thanks again everybody
maybe you dont wish to but if you need help maybe the html and the fla would help, i dont understand exactl what’s wrong, but it migh well be from your html formating…
send your webpage or link it !
Sorry everybody i think i couldn’t open the page 'cause part of my text inside the index page(the page that load my main) was a movie clip and i think that the
AS on the frame was effecting the centered pop action, anyway it works perfect now thanks.