I’ve been trying to get this all-in-one preloader to work for some time now, but apparantely there are still some bugs. The idea is to distill a class or component out of this somewhere in the future, but for now it just needs to meet some specific needs (_root.container.getBytesLoaded, no JPG or MP3 support yet, etc etc.).
So, on the first frame of my movie I have this:
var loading:Boolean = false;
loadArray = new Array("main", "main.swf", "portFolio.xml");
infoArray = new Array("navigation", "XML", "content");
While this piece of code is placed on the preloader mc:
if(_root.loading == false){
_root.loading = true;
this.loaderBar._xscale = 1;
newLoad = _root.loadArray.shift();
this.loaderStatus.text = "Loading " + _root.infoArray.shift();
trace("Loading: " + newLoad);
if(newLoad == "main"){
// Load the main movie clip
var loadedBytes:Number = _parent.getBytesLoaded();
var totalBytes:Number = _parent.getBytesTotal();
var perLoaded:Number = Math.floor((loadedBytes / totalBytes) * 100);
this.loaderBar._xscale = perLoaded;
if(perLoaded == 100){
_root.loading = false;
var extVar:String = newLoad.substr(-3, 3);
if(extVar == "swf"){
// The content to be loaded is an SWF
// Load the swf in a container called containerMC
var loadedBytes:Number = _root.containerMC.getBytesLoaded();
var totalBytes:Number = _root.containerMC.getBytesTotal();
var perLoaded:Number = Math.floor((loadedBytes / totalBytes) * 100);
this.loaderBar._xscale = perLoaded;
if(perLoaded == 100){
_root.loading = false;
}else if(extVar == "xml"){
// The content to be loaded is an XML File
// Load the XML file into an xmlObject.
var xmlDoc:XML = new XML();
var loadedBytes:Number = xmlDoc.getBytesLoaded();
var totalBytes:Number = xmlDoc.getBytesTotal();
var perLoaded:Number = Math.floor((loadedBytes / totalBytes) * 100);
this.loaderBar._xscale = perLoaded;
if(perLoaded == 100){
_root.loading = false;
}else if(extVar == "mp3"){
//mp3 preload code goes here
}else if(extVar == "jpg"){
//JPEG preload code goes here.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.