Hi, I’m trying to create an e-card customizer for a website so that you can build your own e-cards to what you want, the main issue I’m having at the moment is to do with the alpha of externally loaded swf files.
I have a swf that has shapes on the stage which produce a simple pattern of flowers with a white fill with alpha of 60% (no stroke). when i use a fade-In function in the container swf (i.e load the swf into an empty movieclip on the stage and fade the empty movie clip from 0 to 100%), The alpha of the flowers also goes to 100% and doesn’t stay at 60% like i thought it would. I thought that the loaded content would have alpha separate to that of the empty movieclip which holds it.
Is this an obvious over site on my part? or is something screwy goin on??
Any help would be appreciated.