ok, I just got home and I had 60 emails from kirupaforum… has this happened to anyone yet?
it’s like it thought I was still on the forum or something…
that’s because u subscribed to all the threads
yep i got about 993 in my mail box. when ever you post. look where it says options then uncheck the Email notification.
yeah, but it’s supposed to email you only once… it emailed me several times on the same messages…
I know about subscribes… and I’m only subscribed to 4 threads right now…
Well everytime someone replies to a thread you subscribed to, it will send you an email for each reply so that could be why.
when i first joined it was one e-mail to a thread, then when you reply it sends you an e-mail for the first reply after that one, but lately it was just whenever someone posted i got it. so i just unchecked it in the CP