Kirupaforum emails

Just wondering when I viewed my inbox … how much kirupaforum e-mails do you guys get a day ? I got 50 today, I guess I gotta go unsubscribe from some threads …

In your options you cna turn the e-mail notification off.

rarely any. except for the reported threads.

About 4,872. I have an account dedicated to these e-mails since I like to be updated on when people reply to threads I replied to, but I don’t want to clutter my actual e-mail account.

*Originally posted by sintax321 *
**In your options you cna turn the e-mail notification off. **

If you do that you don’t get updated on when people reply to your thread (unless you manually click the “Subscribe to thread” link at the bottom of the thread, if you do that you get e-mailed).

ya that is why i turned it back on. I think i might set up a dummy e-mail for it too.

yeah, I have e-mail notifications turned off. I don’t care if people respond to my threads. :stuck_out_tongue:

I check back often enough and I remember which threads I replied in or created so no need for subscribing to threads…

Oh ok mr photographicmemory :stuck_out_tongue:

I can never remember what threads I posted in.

thats because you have 10000 more posts than I do. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hmm, good idea Lost. I already have a dummy e-mail address to use on several websites all saying they wouldn’t use my e-mail address for spamming purposes. Result: an inbox full of spam :stuck_out_tongue: I’ve got two dummy e-mail addresses from now on :stuck_out_tongue:


i "search for all posts by user " on myself to see what i posted in last

i blocked it from sending me thoes emails. :stuck_out_tongue:

I get quite a lot… but since i’m on here so often I never get more than say… 20 new emails everytime I log into my account :slight_smile:

I don’t get ANY! Because I reached 10MB or kirupaforum emails and spam, now I can’t get any mail because the inbox is full. YAY

lol have fun sorting it through for good mail and bad mail.

that happened to me many times. :slight_smile:

i used to get like 100 but i shut off the thing cause i remembered what threads i posted in anyway

subsribed to more than 20 aol spamboxemail… although i dont use any of 'em… Most of the time when the threads are interesting enough (ie to be rated) is use the ‘subscribe to this thread option’

Only reported posts for me. :slight_smile: If I want to know when people reply to a thread then I’ll just check it. :slight_smile: