America's Army v2.0 - Gameplay Choppy?!

Hey guys,
I finally got the chance to download AA today, and it looks awsome. I couldn’t wait to get started, so I made my video settings how I always have them, and in the game, it was extremely laggy. So I put the setting on 640x800(?) and detail on Really Low, and it still lagged!? This reminds me of Halo PC…
Anyone have this problem?

mine worked fine at 800 by 600 detail middle setting

I see, what gcard do you have?
I have a GeForce 4 MX440

I have the same card and it runs sweet for me with full detail at 1024*768
P4 1.8 512Mb ram

oh sorry mine geforce 2 something

I had the same choppyness problem, but it was only when playing online games. Which is what you’re supposed to do with this game!

So, heck with it after having trained and played stupid missions for hours long, i uninstalled that shi-tov-ah-game.


well I don’t understand why it’d be doing this, but I’ll keep trying, thanks for your support.

Grinch, cleary you’re computer is insane. I have all my settings MAXED. And lag amount = 0.

1.6 MH Radeon 9800 128MB 768MB ram

Argh I guess so, I’m just going to end up buying another card soon anyways.

I’m running the game at 1280X1024. No lag. NEVER. What connection do you have. Trust me, dont give up on this game.

[ot] I just beat Deus Ex: Invisible war Took all of 7 hours. SHORT! [/ot]

I had the same choppyness problem, but it was only when playing online games. Which is what you’re supposed to do with this game!

So, heck with it after having trained and played stupid missions for hours long, i uninstalled that shi-tov-ah-game.

Well I only have 28kb connection and I can play it with no lag…
When you search for servers you list them by ping… and play only on the low pings (duh)
If you have a ping of 400, while you may not notice lag, you will lose in a fire fight and sniping is basicly a waste of time. (300- ok…) (200-… good) 100-… I will head shot you with the M16 all day long…

But even with my 28kb connection I can get a ok ping on some US servers as long as their isn’t to many players. (so I am stuck on honor less AU servers)

And I just changed my
MX 440 64mb
FX 5200 128mb

:frowning: I had hoped it would look better… But nope…

Oh ****,
well I guess the ping might have been high in that server, but thanks for your help.

It probably was. I usually just join official servers.

Driver update maybe :stuck_out_tongue: shut down some windows apications before starting the game.