Ok so I have Battlefield 2, it’s a freaking sweet game, but I have a few problems with it…
Everytime a new map starts (when I connect to a server, or if it just changes whilst im playing on it) my gameplay is REALLY juttery, it’s pretty much unplayable for the first 3 mins of gameplay. It used to be better, but I heard that the Catylst driver for ATI g’cards improves the performance and removes all this juttery crap, but it made it worse for me after I installed it. Why do I get such crappy laggy gameplay? I have a ATI Radeon 9800 XT Pro 256mb by the way (which should easily be able to handle the game, especially when I have all the video settings on medium).
Also, when i’m connecting to a server, it takes AGES after it has loaded when it’s ‘Checking Client Details’ or whatever it says. It takes me a good 5 mins to get into a server (including map loading). It’s really frustrating, is it normal to take so ■■■■ long to connect??
And who else thinks that the sniper rifles arn’t powerfull enough? I think they should be one shot kill to the upper torso…