AMFPHP + as2 parse result


I’d be trule thankful for anyone who tells me how this is done.
I have some tutorials about this but i don’t know how to parse the resultEvent…
this is what is in the tutorial:

[SIZE=2]function onEchoData(msg:ResultEvent){
mx.remoting.debug.NetDebug.trace({level:“Debug”, message:“onEchoData” });
show.text = msg.result;

AMFPHP returns a single string.

But i’m trying to parse something like this:

[SIZE=2]*callProducts() returned {_items: [
{ID: 1, ID: 0, koodi: “0000001”, loc: “muro”, tuote: “tuote 1”},
{ID: 2, ID: 1, koodi: “0000002”, loc: “muro”, tuote: “tuote 2”},
{ID: 3, ID: 2, koodi: “0000003”, loc: “muro”, tuote: “tuote 3”},
{ID: 4, ID: 3, koodi: “0000004”, loc: “muro”, tuote: “tuote 4”}],

The AS3 version would be something like this:

[SIZE=2]function onResult(responds:Object):void
var t:Array = responds.serverInfo.initialData;

But how do I write that with AS2 ?

Please help.