Little help with displaying amfPHP results

I can’t seem to figure out how to access the results being sent back from amfPHP. Feels stupid.

I’m not exactly sure how to work with objects…

Heres my actionscript code>>

//Connection to AMFPHP
var conn = NetServices.createGatewayConnection("http://localhost/amfphp/gateway.php");
//Get the service
var myService = conn.getService("lastRSS", this);
//Get the RSS Feed
getEm.onPress = function() {
//Handle incoming text and parse it *I didn't code the parsing yet...
Get_Result = function (incomingText) {
    textField1 = incomingText;

Heres what I get in my text field: object, Object.

I have tried a few ways of trying to access the object… Mmmph… Should I make an incomingText Object? I just need to figure out how to access my results so I can start writing the function to parse them!

Heres what my NetConnectionDebugger shows:

//This part here actually comes up last
number: 1
severity: "info"
Trace: "Get_Result was received from server: [object Object]"
who: "NetServices"

DebugId: "0"
EventType: "Result"
MovieUrl: "file:///C|/Program Files/xampp/htdocs/amfphp/services/RSSLoader.swf"
Protocol: "http"
Source: "Client"
Time: 1146873934875
Date (object #1)
....."Fri May 5 17:05:34 GMT-0700 2006"
Result (object #2)
.....cached: 0
.....encoding: "UTF-8"
.....image_link: ""
.....image_title: "Krystle - MySpace Blog"
.....image_url: ""
.....items_count: 7
.....language: "en-us" ""
.....title: "Krystle - MySpace Blog"
.....items (object #3)
..........[0] (object #4)
...............comments: ""
...............description: "Reasons for Rejected Suitors - Why I'm Not Interested.Because you just don't understand me, and I don't understand you. We regularly misread and misinterpret each other. We probably have fundamentall..."
...............guid: "" ""
...............pubDate: "Thu, 27 Apr 2006 09:39:00 PST"
...............title: "Reasons for Rejected Suitors"
..........[1] (object #5)
...............comments: ""
...............description: "Sleeping with the Enemy (Diary of a Biphasic Sleeper) Lately, several quite fruitful opportunities have presented themselves to me, and I refuse to let them pass by unnoticed. I've realized tha..."
...............guid: "" ""
...............pubDate: "Sat, 22 Apr 2006 08:57:00 PST"
...............title: "Sleeping with the Enemy"
..........[2] (object #6)
...............comments: ""
...............description: "Sometimes I feel like we're fooled by the media into expecting anything and everything from a partner. We've become experts at falling in love, because it's all we see. The story ends when the boy and..."
...............guid: "" ""
...............pubDate: "Sun, 19 Mar 2006 08:43:00 PST"
...............title: "My Great Expectations"
..........[3] (object #7)
...............comments: ""
...............description: "Everybody's got their issues. I have my fair share. And in my imaginary world where no one gets offended by honesty and awkward silences don't exist, I'd hand a guy who I was about to embark on a..."
...............guid: "" ""
...............pubDate: "Fri, 03 Mar 2006 05:39:00 PST"
...............title: "Warnings to Potential Suitors"
..........[4] (object #8)
...............comments: ""
...............description: "Because the cashier at Borders wrapped my birthday gift for my friend with the utmost care and precision. Because I was perceptive enough to notice and appreciate his efforts. Because I ..."
...............guid: "" ""
...............pubDate: "Thu, 02 Mar 2006 04:23:00 PST"
...............title: "Yesterday was a Good Day..."
..........[5] (object #9)
...............comments: ""
...............description: "With my relatively recent re-entry into singledome, I found myself constantly defending my status. Why don't you have a boyfriend? They ask, with puzzled looks on their faces. You're smart, you're pre..."
...............guid: "" ""
...............pubDate: "Mon, 20 Feb 2006 04:56:00 PST"
...............title: "5 Things I Look for in a Man"
..........[6] (object #10)
...............comments: ""
...............description: "You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change things, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. R. Buckminster Fuller  The rule of no realm is mine, ..."
...............guid: "" ""
...............pubDate: "Thu, 16 Feb 2006 05:16:00 PST"
...............title: "My Favorite Quotes"