An EnterFrame-Timer

Hey guys :rider:

I’m in the final stages of a project, and I am in trouble for not having bigger tests on lower end computers. It’s a game, and frame rate may vary for low end computers on certain intensive parts. This creates a de-sync with the Timer class as it counts real seconds, unrelated to the fps.

The frame rate is 30. Bugs start to occur on anything <20, specifics don’t matter, but I should have expected that. And now I should fix that.

What would you suggest? I could write an enterframe timer class (counts frames, won’t go desyncd). This means I’ll have many enterframes events (opposing many Timers right now) - is this significant, cpu-wise? How is it in comparison?
The main reason I am concerned about it is because I couldn’t find anything on google about this. What do I miss?


Btw this occurred to me as I tried the application on my N900, didn’t really expect it to run properly but the device’s a beast and it did. Everything worked, slowly but worked, except the fact things got out of sync. *