Frame-based counter problem

Hello folks,

I have this frame-based counter I use instead of the timer-class because everything in my game is frame-based. This counter ensures that everything runs fine even when used on old computers.

I would like to know if it makes sense to create a tenth-second-frame-based-counter (or even a twentieth-second-frame-based counter). Basically it would be nearly the same counter like the one below except for the fact that the framesPerSecond-variable is divided by 10 or 20 and instead of using seconds I use tenthsesonds or twentiethseconds.

Is that a good or bad idea? Is there basically a difference between frame-based counters and timers when used on old computers?
I’m not sure about this topic therefore I ask.

	public class BasicFrameTimer extends EventDispatcher
		public static const TIME_IS_UP:String = "timesup";
		public var countUp:Boolean = false;
		public var min:int = 0;
		public var max:int;
		public var maxSet:Boolean = false;
		public var seconds:int;
		private var frameCount:int;
		public var started:Boolean = false;
		private var framesPerSecond:int;
		public function BasicFrameTimer(framesPerSecond:int) {
			this.framesPerSecond = framesPerSecond;
		public function start():void {
			frameCount = 0;
			started = true;
		public function stop():void {
			started = false;
		public function reset():void {
			if (countUp) {
				seconds = 0;
			} else {
				seconds = max;
		public function update():void {
			if (started) {
				if (frameCount > (framesPerSecond)) {
					frameCount = 0;
					if (countUp) {
						if (maxSet == true && seconds == max) {
							dispatchEvent(new Event(TIME_IS_UP));
					} else {
						if (seconds == min) {
							dispatchEvent(new Event(TIME_IS_UP));