And you guys thought the Star Wars kid was funny

thats a nokia commercial if you guys didnt know. its fake. not saying it isnt hillarious though :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by liam *
**now thatā€™s the stupid statement. that doesnā€™t make sense at all! itā€™s in no way like saying you hate people. many people donā€™t like cats simply because they have that preference.

itā€™s called being a cat person or a dog person. **

Thank you liam.

PS: pinx i donā€™t care for most ppl to much either. You have provided my point why.

*Originally posted by UNFLUX *
**seen it - not funny. thx for playingā€¦ **

ok, at least iā€™m not the only one who was disturbedā€¦

even if it is fake

wow, i really thought people would love this because you sure did love a guy waving a stick around :-\

hmmm maybe only a small majority of kirupians have a sick twisted sense of humour like me :bad:

lolā€¦ but im a cat lover, and it made me queasy cuz it showed a cat getting hurt.
now that video someone posted where a guy tried to light his fart, and lit his whole butt on fireā€¦ that was humor :wink:

lol i missed out on that one, ahh that does sound funny, but the whole idea of a cat swinging on a fan like it is in the video is incredibly funny to me for some reason, everytime i think about it i laugh, lol :evil:

i wanna see Lunar swinging from a fanā€¦ hehehehe

hehe a fan with anyone on it would have to be pretty strong, especially if it is Lunar!! jokes :stuck_out_tongue:

hey golgiā€¦ blue is the best by the way!! :beam:

you mean the style? heck yeah!!! ye olde kirupan :beam:

well yeah that too but some of the new ones are also good but iā€™ve noticed the little signature battle with you and theorangeone.

just thought id argue against both of you and say both of you are wrong and blue is the best! :stuck_out_tongue:

ohhh, ok. your dead wrong. red is the best. cuz you canā€™t make orange without red, and orange is the compliment to blue, and without a compliment, itā€™s just plain drab.

:wink: heheheh.

then why isnā€™t your style Red?!

i think someone is secretly a blue lover in disguise :wink:

some things are meant to be blueā€¦

but Golgis are meant to be red. :beam: