Hello Everyone,
I’m trying to create a RANDOM Quote generator. I got the following script from Kirupa.com
[COLOR=red]ranQuote = new LoadVars();
ranQuote.onLoad = function(success) {
if (success) {
RanNum = Math.ceil(Math.random()*5);
ran = this[“quote”+RanNum];
quote_txt.text = ran;
else {
quote_txt.text = “The text failed to load due to an error”;
and i modified to the way i want. Now what i’m trying to do is put this “[COLOR=red]quote_txt.text[/COLOR]” into a movie clip so that I can animate it fading in, but for somereason the MOVIE CLIP does not seem to animate anything with DYNAMIC text. So how can i accomplish this? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.