[FMX] Trying to Animate a dynamically loaded Text

Hi there, I am trying to emulate the http://www.fastpay.com/common/images/text1a.gif

except with an external txt file for the animation to read from. … is this possible to do with flash, i have read a cuple of tutes, but haven’t been able to get it working…

Here is what i have so far, I created a dynamic text box and can read in the text using

loadText = new loadVars();
loadText.onLoad = function() {
Txt.text = this.Txt;


Txt being the name of the instance of my text box…

but see when i try to make this into a symbol or clip, and animate it, i dont see the text anymore :frowning:

can anybody help? plz ?

Thanks a lot in advance for anybody who can help…

set the dynamic text’s character settings to “All Characters” and try again…



That didn’t work either,… but thanks for the reply… see whenever I try to convert that box into a movieclip it doesn’t show the text anymore…

Can any experts help on this maybe?

Thank again

Hi, I stil haven’t been able to figure out this, and was wondering if anybody atleast any ideas?

this what i have come up with so far…

//loads in and deals with the loaded text
loadVarsText = new loadVars();
loadVarsText.load(“hello.txt” );
loadVarsText.onLoad = function(success) {
if (success) {

 textHolder= new Array();

//‘myWord’ is what i named the text as in the .txt file
textHolder = _root.myWord.split(":" );

     for (i=0; i<=x; i++) {
      _root.text_mc.duplicateMovieClip ("letter_"+i, i);
      _root["letter_"+i].input = textHolder[i-1];

//spaces them out evenly, one on top of the other
if (i != 1) {
root["letter"+i]._y = root["letter"+(i-1)]._y+root["letter"+(i-1)]._height+10;
} else {



it doesnt show up because you need to correct the path to the textfield.[AS]loadText = new loadVars();
loadText.onLoad = function() {
text_mc.Txt.text = this.Txt;
};[/AS]Where text_mc is the instance name of the movie clip with the textfield inside.

Hey Claudio thanks ALOT :slight_smile:

I can’t believe i missed something so small, and went on to create some stupid long code… hehe

but really thanks alot,… :slight_smile:

No problem =)

You may want to check this 2 tutorials