Animated Roll Over Button

Hi folks! I wanna ask for a little help. I wanna build a button(for exemple a HOME) button, and when the mouse cursor rolls over it´s size will grow for ex. to 150%(in motion tween) and when the mouse cursor rolls out will get his normal size(another motion tween) Maybe for someone is a piece of cake but for me is very difficult
Thx for reading and waiting for ur help.
P.S. Sorry for my poor english

Like this?


Yes , like this but what I want when grow up and when discrease the button to be a motion tween

You can use actionscript to do a tween too and it’s kind of cleaner. Otherwise you can make a movieclip with a motion tween on it and give it button actions. I’d say if you want to use actionscript then do a search for “easing” and username “Voetsjoeba”, and then change the x and y in that function to xscale and yscale but the search funtion is sort of down right now as Kirupa does some modification.

Maybe someone who knows it by hear will see this though and throw it up here?

something like this

it’s been asked many times before, search the forum first, then create a new thread.

Is this what you’re looking for?