Button larger when roll over and smaller when roll out

Hi! All,
Recently I just want to design a button when the mouse roll over the button will gradually become larger (to a fixed size) and gradually comes to the originally size when roll out. I try to use “Adding Buttons to Movie Clips” method, ie, one MC with two layers, an amimation MC (tween from small to big and then big to small) and a button. Add script as follows:
on the first frame:
if (Playing eq “True”) {
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp play ();
} else {
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp stop ();

on the button:
on (rollOver, dragOver) {
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Playing = “True”;
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp play ();
on (rollOut, dragOut) {
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Playing = “False”;
When I roll over the MC tween small to big and big to small and when roll out the MC gradually small. What I want is when I roll over the MC tween small to big and keep it is except when I roll out. Somebody can tell me how to acheive it. Thanks.

I figured out now. The script is much simple as follows:
on (rollOver, dragOver) {
gotoandplay (2);
on (rollOut, dragOut) {
gotoandplay (16);
and put stop(); on the frames 1st, 15th and the last.