Animation Challenge

I would be interested in participating in a Flash animation challenge. Anyone want to accept the challenge? I think it could be interesting to see what criteria a mod could dispose upon the challengers.

i will accept your flash animation challenge. Hit me with those criteria, mod-man…

i’ll partake also, if that’s ok.

I think the more the better…I know that that was kind of the point of a battle being different from a contest, but I enjoy the added competition many competitors bring to the game.

so is there a mod that is gonna pop in and get this ball rollin? or are we supposed to come up with the design criteria ourselves. anybody wanna field this one?

i think that dan is the default mod for this forum, though we can ask for anyone to be the mod. dan’s the man as far as starting voting, so we’ll need his help to end the battle for sure.

but if not him, then who decides what the battle is about? any suggestions from the participants?

Theme: Flash Animation based on your favorite game.
Programs: Flash and Photoshop (or anything like it). No swift 3d!
Size: Any
Due date: November 22nd
Members allowed to enter: 15

sweet… this gives me plenty of possibilities…

good suggestion dan…

i told you he’s the man!
that’s excellent to base it on a video game…give me a chance to show off some of my maps too.

Hmmm… I’m thinking about throwing my lot in with this one…

That would be awesome if you joined in Kit!!! If you joing this battle then so will I, we should get a mod battle going somewhere. The theme could be a Flash Animation on Power and Leadership… :stuck_out_tongue:

Gawd, so I’d have to go up against Dan?!? Argh!

No, wait, hang on…

If you joing this battle then so will I, we should get a mod battle going somewhere

I’m not a mod. Aha! Gotcha there!

For some reason I thought you were a mod and am suprised you are not one already! Let me go talk to Mr. Kirupa on this one…this should have been done a long time ago. I shouldn’t be a big challenge in a battle, I have less time than most people to work on free time flash stuff and I am not creative at all!

I have less time than most people to work on free time flash stuff and I am not creative at all!

I’d question that last bit - I’ve seen your Photoshop stuff!

I know what you mean about free time though - I spend all day at work, 9 - 6 ish, and that’s the only time I’ve got to work on things. So I sneakily try and look like I’m working while secretly doing Flash and all that. :slight_smile:

shhhh me too shhhh :stuck_out_tongue:

Mak rats dan and kit to their bosses and recieves HUGE paycheck

bwhaahahhahaha :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

oh yea and Microsoft is making software that allows the bosses to spy on your Instant Messenging…they say chatting in workplace is becoming a “problem”…hehe…SO BEWARE

I have a security proxy that doesn’t let me connect to programs like AIM or P2P programs like Kazaa! I have to resort to emails and forums. :stuck_out_tongue:

My networking teacher had a program that allowed him to see exactly what was on our screens. He would go one by one down each computer, see what they were doing, if they were on task he would shut down their computers on them…lol.