Team battle

I think it would be good to have a team battle. possibly pixel?? any suggestions or people who want to enter please post.

I was thinking of having about 2 or 3 to a team but don’t have any ideas on the subject. :chinaman:

nah…not pixel…but i can’t come up with a better suggestion…

but i’m down for some team battles


anyone want to team up with me? Maybe a short animation in flash with the theme of “speed”. Relate your animation back to the theme of speed.

Could use cars and everything would be fun.

any suggestions.

hmm…i like that idea…

yeah sounds good

ill team with you lounge or mega (or both) - the type battle showed both your skills - we shall be INVINCIBLE


haha…i’m down with Mariofan’s suggestion…

i’m ready for battle already :rambo:

so what’re the teams then?

ill team up with someone… what do we create… im a great flash artist and animater, anyone wanna team?

i’ll team up with you, we’ll need 1 more then if we’re gonna do 3v3.

what’re we trying to make anyway? i think i missed it in the other forum back on the other server

yo ModZ. where art thou? yee of little moddyness. we need you to kick start dis battle.:beam:

yeah, what are we doing, why not any type of flash movie

oh, and hojo, sure, ill be with you!:beam: we need ONE more person

some posts are missing from this thread! is it because the forums have moved???

myself, lounge and mega are allready a team!!!



Topic: Short animation in Flash with the theme of “speed”. Relate your animation back to the theme of speed.

Time Limit: 1 Month

Applications: Final output must be submited as .swf, although you can use other applications and import things.

Teams (still negotiable):

1.) LoungeActx, MarioFan, Megatron
2.) HoJo, porpous2, ???
3.) Mod Team???

– Still looking for some other teams that would like to participate, and still looking for a person to join Team 2.

This is what we have so far…:slight_smile:

this is going to be real fun…


i got a person, so no one else join are team cept’ this guy, were going to woop you =)

put me on purpos2’s team man

**** lazeeeee modz. where are you all. battle battle battle. I am keen to do this one. just kiddding, but it would be better with a MOD team.

who’s your person?

they have to be a member of the forum don’t they?
