Animation in main scene into symbol

Hi all,

I have an external swf file with some transition animation. Now I want this animation to be used main container swf instead of using as an external. How could I make this animation into movieclip so that I can import it to main container. All the animations are on the external swf file’s root.

check the technotes index, most of the faq answers are there…

Thanks eyezberg,

I have a question for you. I can move animation within the same file with this method but how can I move animatio to the different files? and how can i make all the selected animation to symbol?

For n°1, open the 2 files in Flash, select in one, copy, paste into the other
For n°2, select what you want to convert, hit F8 and select (clip, graphic, button)

maybe I’m not good at explaining things. I have 6 layers on root and each layer has symbol and those symbols are animated frame by frame. Now I want make all the animation in all layers all frames on root to on movieclip. how can i do that?

The only way to transfer frames from one timeline to another is to copy/cut and paste them into the new created movie clip symbol.

You do this by clicking and dragging to select the frames you want, then when they are all black (selected) you right click and choose Copy (or Cut) frames. Then you open up your movie clip symbol, right click on the empty keyframe in there, and choose “Paste Frames”

Is that what you meant?