Hi, I have a flash file that is just a lot of tweening thrown together to form an animation, and I want to use it as a movie object within another flash file. I was wondering if there was any quick way to do this other than sharing the library of the file and then copying all the frames (if that would work)? Sorry if this is the wrong forum for this qstn, but i had no idea whether or not actionscript would be needed.
how about this?:
save the anim.swf file in the same directory as your main .fla/swf, create an empty MC in your main movie, then use loadMovie to load the .swf into that MC–then you can control that MC using actionscript…
I tend to suggest not working in the main timeline. Instead, do all animations and tweens within movieclips. This makes it much easier not only to rearrange the animation as a whole on the screen (good if you want to change the size of your movie) but also in easily moving or copying your animation to another movieclip or file since it is contained in the movieclip. All you would need to do is drag and copy it into the library of your new file.
To put an existing animation in its own movieclip, just select all the frames, copy them (thats copy frames not just copy, make a new movieclip, then paste the frames on that single empty frame in layer 1. All copied frames will be placed there, in their corresponding layers, and you should be good to go. The only problems you would have is with any actionscript code that references _root, since you are no longer in _root, but another movieclip. If theres some of that, it should be changed.
thanks very much for your helps i really appreciate it, i managed to get it sorted by copying across the frames, your suggestion was cool tho mojo, i just had to try and get it in a single file to hand in. Thanksq both.