I would be very greatful if someone was to tell me how to make a button that has an animation that plays when someone takes there mouse off the button. I see it everywhere and have tried heaps of things but can’t quite get it. (at all).
Is there a sight that will give me step by step instructions or can I download a small tutorial or something???
If the button was named ‘myButt’ (it should be a movie clip symbol -no need for buttons in FlashMX- ) and had a tween animation (or any other kind) . Just stop it in the first frame
(stop();)-and use ‘gotoAndStop(1);’ in the last one if u don’t want it to loop.
Remember to switch ‘playingAlready’ back to false or it won’t play again:
myButt.onRollOver = function(){
if (playingAlready){
playingAlready = false;