Animations & music

Hello all,

I think I posted this question before, but nobody answered it, and I can’t find it anymore using the search engine of the forum.
I believe I posted it when they were moving the forum, so it could have been lost.

Anyways, here it is: how do I synchronize music with Flash animations? Let me explain with a little example: suppose I have a MP3 file containing a complete song. I want to create some kind of “sing along” movie that allows the viewers to hear and read the lyrics at the same time.

I tried to create something like this before, and it worked fine on my PC, but it went too fast on a more powerful machine and too slow on a less powerful one… I was completely wrong. Now I see many intros that have this synchronization. And it works all the time, no matter what PC you’re on.

Thanks in advance!! :slight_smile:

THats a hard one… I tried doing that and had the same problem…
You can look up a flash program called FLASH AMP… that isnt exacly a good answer but hey… or maybe, I am thinking you can break the song down in to small pieces and have them played when the movie gets to that point… never tried it though… just an idea…

Keep your movie in between 15-30 Frames Per Second (FPS) and have it be an event sound instead of a streamed .mp3 which will cause them to run off set of eachother. Also you need to add a preloader or a big file like a media track/loop will be loaded and won’t lag the computer from trying to load the sound before it plays and then you end up getting the animation to start play without the sound. I doubt that is what you want. So just do this:

1. Add a preloader
2. Make the .mp3 an event sound instead of a streaming sound

I may be wrong here, but I am in a rush to get out of work so pardon my brief reply. Reply back if that didn’t help and I will look at it later.

Thanks for your replies guys… :slight_smile:

@ RussianBeer : I don’t think breaking the song down in pieces is a good idea. On a slower machine, the music will stop when the animations are still going. Or they will go too fast on a fast PC, which will result in overapping music. I never heard of that Flash AMP, I’ll look into it.

@ telekinesis : Yes, I think that it’s extremly important that the FPS isn’t too high. But do you really think I should pick “event” instead of “steam”? This is what another guy told me on the FlashKit forum:

Do all of your animating on the main timeline. Place teh sound on it’s own later, from teh properiies wondow under sync choose Stream. This will lock the sound to teh timeline. You can then drag along the timeline and scrub teh animation to teh music. Beware Flash will drop frames in oorder to keep up with the music. So don’t set the FPS too high.

The best of all examples I can give to illustrate my question is the best intro ever made: “OMEGA TAKEOVER 2001”. The guy who made it (Revox) used the Mission:Impossible 2 soundtrack, which is almost complete in his intro. It’s 10 MB (!!) but it is worth it!
You can download the zip-file here:…/browser/

You’ll see that everything goes smooth and fast. I wonder what FPS he used for this…

[SIZE=1]EDIT: ftp address[/SIZE]