Anime Drawing battle:

[font=Comic Sans MS]Aright everyone were gonna have ouerselves a little anime drawing battle…rules:[/font]
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[font=Comic Sans MS]1) any anime characters are ok[/font]
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[font=Comic Sans MS]there ya go…any joiners?[/font]
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did this like 3 days ago

Very cool. :slight_smile:

If we give this a couple of weeks for people to post entries. I know that I for one am pretty much totally booked up spare time wise, so it’ll take me a while to get anything drawn…

King of Fighter is cool :smiley:

Nice artwork junyap :slight_smile:

hmmm…so I guess it doesn’t have to be a char FROM an anime?I might have better luck drawing vg characters.

hehe…i was wondering that also since “anime” doesnt really have any bounds as to an animated series or game or some such. at least kof can also be categorized in animated series like samurai shodown or tekken. still, i think we’re free to choose whatever we like. and i havent seen another entry from others :frowning:

I’m working on it, I’ve just been out a lot recently so it’ll take a while yet. :slight_smile:

THAT IS HOT JUNYAP! KOF is one the greatest fighting series ever! I’m old school so I’d have to say that my favorite game in that series goes outside the series itself. What game do I speak of? Why, REAL BOUT 2 of course! If you want to play a masterpiece of a game, check out REAL BOUT 2.

Though if Samurai Showdown (keepin’ it SNK-NEOGEO) is more your style, check out my personal favorite game EVER (topping Marvel Vs. Capcom2 narrowly) is the orgasm that is LAST BLADE 2 (or 1, they both rock).

Thanks nj_jcarter. Im familiar with all the games you mentioned. In fact, I mastered them a looooong time ago…and I still play them now… Real Bout from 1st to special, Sam sho from 1 to 4, kof from 94 to 99 (not familiar with the new ones), m vs c 1 and 2 and last blade 1 and 2 (nobody can beat me at this).:wink:
What can I say? Im an arcade fighting addict.


Where do you live? Because I CHALLENGE YOU! I will DESTROY you at Last Blade 2. AND THIS IS A CHALLENGE. In fact, I’m going to enter this battle and use a LastBlade2 Character and DESTROY YOU! BRING IT!

hehehehe. im too far away. Philippines. so who will you be posting? I like moriya. i wanna see your character!

Phillippines, eh. Well, I’m a Lee fan. But second is in fact Moriya. BUT I DO CHALLENGE YOU! If your ever in the states, jersey to be specific, I totally will DESTROY YOU.