<b>Subject:</b> “Legend of Kirupa: The RPG”. <b>Please make sure your entry reflects this theme in some way, and is also in the anime / manga style.</b>
<b>Software:</b> Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash, Fireworks, Freehand - any art package. You can colour in (if you want colour) however you wish.
<b>Who:</b> JerethMiller, Kitiara, Asphaltcowboy, Ralle, FAP, VisualAid, Ribcage… Anyone else who wants to join is more than welcome.
<b>When:</b> 30th July 2003 (if this is alright with everyone?)
<b>Extra Rules:</b> To be drawn in a manga / anime style, though does not have to be coloured if you don’t want.
yeah, kit - you might want to re-word the rules a bit - unless we ditched the whole medieval/fantasy thing. (Yes, I know it says ‘Legend of Kirupa’ - but it could be a modern-day legend ;))
well i had a go at making a character so tell me if this is ok, i am very pleased on the way this turned out, it is definatly my best line art piece =) :crazy:
well tell me what you think (i know its a little early but i have loads of time on my hands at the moment
I did mine by tracing a previous drawing in Flash (Just like the tutorial I read at a www.nowingsnohalo.co.uk :P). I wish to taunt others to submit theirs already. Kit I think July 30 is too far away! :-\
I made it a long deadline because I know people are busy… I for one am up to my ears at work and don’t have all that much spare time, but still want to take part.
Normally I’d do mine at work as well. But I’m absolutely snowed under for the foreseeable future, so time is a little tight. PLus I’m participating in about three battles.
Right, in response to a few questions I’ve been asked, I’ve highlighted some elements of the rules that everyone needs to remember.
The theme is “Legend of Kirupa - The RPG”, so your entry will have to reflect this in some way. Members as heroes, mods as monsters… Whatever you like. As long as there’s some connection.
So “Sir Phil Jayhan the Knight, slayer of Spam”, maybe.
I’ll make another one. Based on you Kit. Your personality and responses in the forums Don’t worry i’ll do everything I can to make it look great. As we all know you are! :beam:
*Originally posted by comicGeek *
**I’ll make another one. Based on you Kit. Your personality and responses in the forums Don’t worry i’ll do everything I can to make it look great. As we all know you are! :beam: **
I’m flattered. :beam: Worried, but flattered.
Plus, an entry doesn’t have to be just one character, you could have me <i>and</i> the Knight in it.
whisper psst! just resubmit the last pic
The previous drawing is not a knight mind you. He is a barbarian with complete armor. The only thing he’s hoping is to replace his helm with a wing helm, more powerful than his current one!