Line Art Battle

<b>What:</b> Line Art Battle

<b>Subject:</b> “Legend of Kirupa: The RPG”. <b>Please make sure your entry reflects this theme in some way, and is also in the anime / manga style.</b>

<b>Software:</b> Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash, Fireworks, Freehand - any art package. You can colour in (if you want colour) however you wish.

<b>Who:</b> JerethMiller, Kitiara, Asphaltcowboy, Ralle, FAP, VisualAid, Ribcage… Anyone else who wants to join is more than welcome.

<b>When:</b> 30th July 2003 (if this is alright with everyone?)

<b>Extra Rules:</b> To be drawn in a manga / anime style, though does not have to be coloured if you don’t want.

No bigger than 500 x 500 pixels please.

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hmm…i might join, if i get my head into gear

so what we have to do is design a character that will be in it in manga style?

hmm…its been a while since i have been here, Lo everyone

yeah, kit - you might want to re-word the rules a bit - unless we ditched the whole medieval/fantasy thing. (Yes, I know it says ‘Legend of Kirupa’ - but it could be a modern-day legend ;))

Well… I don’t think it has to be medieval as such. The FF games have elements of just about everything - magic, swords, guns, mechs, the lot.

But yes, definitely a fantasy style. :slight_smile:

well i had a go at making a character so tell me if this is ok, i am very pleased on the way this turned out, it is definatly my best line art piece =) :crazy:

well tell me what you think (i know its a little early but i have loads of time on my hands at the moment

I did mine by tracing a previous drawing in Flash (Just like the tutorial I read at a :P). I wish to taunt others to submit theirs already. Kit I think July 30 is too far away! :-\

I made it a long deadline because I know people are busy… I for one am up to my ears at work and don’t have all that much spare time, but still want to take part. :slight_smile:

I made mine during office hour…just a awhile ago infact. I recently felt sleepy soo… :stuck_out_tongue:

Normally I’d do mine at work as well. :slight_smile: But I’m absolutely snowed under for the foreseeable future, so time is a little tight. :slight_smile: PLus I’m participating in about three battles. :stuck_out_tongue:

Kit have you seen T3? If you’re that active…you’d be like Kristana Loken(the T-X) very deadly-sexy with an attitude to boot! :stuck_out_tongue:

I <i>am</i> a part time London Cyborg, you know. :stuck_out_tongue:

Right, in response to a few questions I’ve been asked, I’ve highlighted some elements of the rules that everyone needs to remember.

The theme is “Legend of Kirupa - The RPG”, so your entry will have to reflect this in some way. Members as heroes, mods as monsters… Whatever you like. :slight_smile: As long as there’s some connection. :slight_smile:

So “Sir Phil Jayhan the Knight, slayer of Spam”, maybe. :slight_smile:

So I guess my entry doesn’t count huh? I intended it to represent someone(moderator) who really is tough…on most people! :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s fair enough. :slight_smile: Though you might have to say who it is and your reasoning on the entry, just so people know and don’t think it’s totally random. :slight_smile:

Well you see it’s … er …MAN I give up… it’s totally random…
I’ll delete that thread already! :frowning:

I’ll make another one. Based on you Kit. Your personality and responses in the forums :slight_smile: Don’t worry i’ll do everything I can to make it look great. As we all know you are! :beam:

this ought to be good :wink:

[size=1]whisper psst! just resubmit the last pic :P:P;)[/size]

*Originally posted by comicGeek *
**I’ll make another one. Based on you Kit. Your personality and responses in the forums :slight_smile: Don’t worry i’ll do everything I can to make it look great. As we all know you are! :beam: **
EEP. :stunned: :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m flattered. :beam: Worried, but flattered. :stuck_out_tongue:

Plus, an entry doesn’t have to be just one character, you could have me <i>and</i> the Knight in it. :slight_smile:

whisper psst! just resubmit the last pic
Daaaaaaaan! :stuck_out_tongue:

The previous drawing is not a knight mind you. He is a barbarian with complete armor. The only thing he’s hoping is to replace his helm with a wing helm, more powerful than his current one! :wink:

I stand corrected - Barbarian then. :slight_smile:

He can be protector. :beam:

hahahaha … now your turning my “Go make it already button” on! :stuck_out_tongue: