I’m always trying to improve the forum. One of the ways we mods do this is by controling language content. This is not meant to be a burden to you, but a protection for others and for the forum itself. We’ve been coming across some things that are questionable and I’d like to address them here. I’ll add this into the thread above when I have time.
There is a spam filter on the forum which prevents a lot of words from being used here. A purposeful intent to bypass those filters is punishable with warnings or worse if the offender repeats their actions or is especially beligerant with their opinions of his treatment. This has always been the case here.
I want to stress this next part for this is the reason, I’m writing all this up again: A picture, containing a word, that is censored by our filters, is a bypass of the word filter. If you have any pictures that you like to post, and they contain any words, I suggest you check with the filter before posting them.
In addition to that, we mods are of split opinion over the matter of “artistic portrayals” of something that we would not allow on the forum. Images that depict the abuse of children will be dealt with harshly, there is no question about that. Abuse of animals is frowned upon, even if obviously fake.
Fun is fun, have fun, but remember always that there are small children who read these forum. Lets try to keep them as litter free as possible for them. If you see anything that offends you on these forum, please don’t hesitate to write to Kirupa, or any of the mods, and or report the thread.