Another anime picture

just a guy and a girl. not as detailed as my last, but i think the colors are nice :-\ i don’t know if i want to put it on my site or not yet. the guy is rather scary looking.

<IMG SRC=“”>

wow. Thats amazing… I cant draw anywhere near that well.

Thats sweet… all your other stuff youve posted is great too - esp the fisherman, I love him.

Keep posting!


PS hey… he isn’t grabbing her A$$ is he?? :o :stuck_out_tongue:

thanks a lot! this board has inspired me to practice with my photoshop illustration skills :cyclops:

ha, nono, the boy is quite the presentable little gentleman- his hand is behind is back :elderly:

my question is… why is a geeky boy with such a hot girl?? :stuck_out_tongue: That never really happens does it?


Love the stuff somni… glad you’re inspired. We have some great artists here, more now that you’re submitting.

hey, whats wrong with a little grab-a$$?

you know… truthful his hand is behind his back. However, so is her hand. I think SHE’s grabbing a little @$$. Nauty nauty girl.


David: Don’t make me get the hose! Cool down boy!

haha! i guess there has to be some reason for his goofy expression :stuck_out_tongue: