This is lovely…
Minimal site with a great portfolio of work…
::::: AnOraK :::::
That is cool. I like the illustrations on your site better though.
nice one! I’ve seen it pretty long time ago
anorak always posts cool sites
he he
lavaboy unsure if you have seen these
and this is really good
::::: AnOraK :::::
Wow, all those sites are awesome, I like rootylicious the best.
rooty is a good one right enough…
seem to be nice guys, emailed me a couple of weeks back…
i’ll go and have a look through my favs and if i think u would like any of them i’ll post them 4 u…
::::: AnOraK :::::
yeah… those sites are definitely good inspiration.
I liked subdisc… I’m a big fan of the cutout filter in photoshop and the trace feature in flash.
yeah they r good…
still trying to find some more gooduns for u…
::::: AnOraK :::::
yeah man… we should have an “AnOraK’s picks” thing…
all amazing links. Thanks
he he
another one for you lavaboy
go 4 the “voll version”
i think its in german and b4 you click on the site to enter it play about with the turntable and the dude’s singing
::::: AnOraK :::::
last one 4 2day lavaboy
really cool animation when you change the music track
::::: AnOraK :::::
sorry bout the last one…
just noticed that it won a SOTW here!!!
still a cracker though…
::::: AnOraK :::::
this site is awesome, that is really the style i like
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