Okay here is another go with this logo. I decided to go full vector so it will be easy on the pocket book come print time. I kept it simple since alot of decisions are still in the air on this logo/site. Well once again let me have it.
much better!
I like 2a the best.
Good work.
yeah I like 2a too. I don’t like 1b or 3a because too many colors I guess.
there ya go, those are a ton better. I don’t know which one i’d pick, but they are all exponentially better than your last attempt
yea my last on was wack…BTW…this company specializes in data storage. ANd they provided a sketch that I had to follow so my creative latitude was limited.
if it’s data storage then the keyhole idea might be something use. I like it now that I understand it.
Nice work dude. these look hot, well done :thumb:
-designer 1 : client 0. lol
Try to push 2b that concept is funky, love the way you incorporated that lock.
thats my fav!
2a looks great man!
But I was thinking about 2b, and I think there is just something minor that needs to be modified for it to look perfect…
I don’t really know what it is, but I think it could look a little distorted.
Seems it’s not in the right postion along a Z axis… Try fiddling with it, and I’m sure it would turn out great
2b…I love both 2a and 2b but like xxvviii said the keyhole idea works so I say 2b
2b rocks i love the keyhole
2b, but I dont really like that violet...( it doesn
t seems to match with the subject)
I think you should try some blue.
You could try to make the “E” in the box a minuscule, just like the one in “edge”.
2b rules, but instead of a purple theme, use blue. much cooler
he can’t change the colors – the client picked them.
as for my choice, I definitely have to go with 2a. I’m not feelin the keyhole, regardless of knowing what the company does. I think it clutters up an already busy set. These are definitely better DDD – very nice. =)
I’d go with 2b because as soon as I saw the words “data access” I thought, “Hmmm…that should be a secure data access.” or something of that sort. You wanna give the user a warm fuzzy feeling even if they don’t realize they’re getting it. Know what I mean.
i’d say 2b too, love the idea of the keyhole :thumb:
go with 2b / keyhole, maybe make it a tad darker it washes out with light backgrounds…Good job
I think 2b is your best fit. Try making the keyhole larger (logos need to be very clear at pretty much any size) and mess around with its perspective a little more. Other than that, awesome design.
I like 2b the best too but since the cube isn’t a perfect cube it looks a bit distorted and flat. Did you intentionally not make the logo perfectly square? Just curious . . .
The client should love this though - great job! :thumb: :A+:
Yeah it is actaully a trace of a perspective cube from lightwave. I tried to get the camera angle when you see all sides pretty evenly. I thought about doing an isometric cube but didnt. I added the line around 2a and 2b to give it that flat yet 3d look. I’ll let ya’ll know the client feedback
1b 2b 3a
I like the color addition.
on 1b the top and flaps might look good in a royal blue