ok what I’m doing is not working, I can get the simple hittest function to work with the hittest.fla example, but when I transfer it to my movie, no dice.
Here is the source code, if it helps at all, basically what I want to happen is if the cockpit hits the bottom of the boundary box, then a crash happens…
someone can correct me if i am wrong…but i think the way that you have it set up rightnow, the hitTest won’t work. Because rightnow, your white Box mc is directly below the dune, so they’re constantly hitting each other. If you were to put a trace on the white box, you’d see what i’m talking about.
Put this on the white box mc in place of what you have to see:
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.dune, hitTest(this)) {
ok, i’ve tried it, and still the same, no matter what layer or where I place the box, no love.
I changed the box to a small circle and still same results, even when I place off screen and not touching any other MC.
NOw the simple hittest code works in a movie with nothing else in it, when I copy the code and try to run it, no love, again. see the attached file. turn right the boxes hit, but no hitest function…
would it be because I am running all the actions in frame 1 for the fligth dynamics?
thanks for the reply, but no dice, even when removing everything out, but the joystick and two circles with the approriate code. it seems that when the MCs are controlled by the joystick the hittest function no workie. but when the circles are left to their own, it works.
I named a frame as ‘stop’, for my line, I just wanted it to do something, so I knew the hittest function worked
oh well, welcome to my personal hell. more trial and error I guess.