Another n00b question (sorry)

I have two questions, one, how do u duplicate a movie clip and have it still remain beneath a mask you applied on the original and two, how do get them to disappear when you change frames?
Please reply.

Thanx for nothing people but anyway, i figured out a way to do it using some stuff I learn’t in the forums, it kinda jerry rigged but it works. So thanx for everything, lol

Krusader : what you just wrote was rude. Do you really think the HELPERS in this board are always online? Some of them do have other things to attend to, try to consider that.

This probably is the best FLASH RESOURCE. So next time, be a little polite :slight_smile:

yeah, i know it was a bit rude but i was kinda annoyed about soemthign else at the time and i kinda took it out on the keyboard. i would like to apologise for that. Sorry